L’ACCVM dans les médias – Archives

L’ACCVM dans les médias – Archives



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29-décembre-14 Globe and Mail Investment advisers in stalemate with regulators over fee disclosure rules

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29-décembre-14 National Post Ian Russell Letter: Regulator’s flaws are fixable

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24-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Regulators’ plates will be full in 2015

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24-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Regulators moved forward on several key fronts in 2014

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23-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC steps up lobbying to delay CRM2

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23-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Industry group asking for changes to TFSA rules

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22-décembre-14 National Post 70 thumbs down for new national securities regulator plans

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19-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com CSA approves MFDA CRM2 amendments

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17-décembre-14 Wealthprofessional.ca CRM2 delay: advisors have their say

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15-décembre-14 Benefits and Pensions Monitor Oil Prices Could Undo Gains

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15-décembre-14 Finance et Investissement Les opérations sur titres de créance divulguées

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12-décembre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report CRM2 could create tax nightmare

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11-décembre-14 Advisor.ca Year in review: IIAC

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11-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Volatile markets may undo industry gains: IIAC’s Russell

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11-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IFIC submission on CCMRS focuses on systemic risk deficiencies

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9-décembre-14 Advisor.ca IIAC supports PCMA, CMSA consultation drafts

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9-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC voices concerns about cooperative regulator; Industry association stresses the importance of minimizing disruptions as the new system is created

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4-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIROC updates Fee Model Guidelines

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4-décembre-14 National Post TFSA holders under audit banned from withdrawals as dealers fear getting stuck with tax bills

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3-décembre-14 BNN.ca Who gets audited? Advisors demand clarity from CRA on TFSA ‘businesses’

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3-décembre-14 Wealth Professional A living legend revisits a life on Bay Street; Thomas Caldwell entered the IIAC Hall of Fame this fall.

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3-décembre-14 Newstalk 770 (Calgary) Ian Russell discusses CRA’s audits of certain TFSA accounts

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2-décembre-14 BNN Ian Russell discusses CRA’s audits of certain TFSA accounts

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2-décembre-14 National Post Canadians with too many wins in their TFSA are being targeted by CRA

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2-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com 365-day tax season at a glance

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1-décembre-14 Investment Executive Ian Russell guest column: Opening Canada’s commercial window

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28-novembre-14 Investment Executive IIAC is seeking a delay to CRM2

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28-novembre-14 Investment Executive IIROC mulls advisor education reform

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28-novembre-14 Investment Executive Making a push for advisor incorporation

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27-novembre-14 Advisor.ca Trade agreement with EU will benefit investment industry: IIAC

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27-novembre-14 investmentexecutive.com CETA offers opportunities for Canada, investment industry: IIAC

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24-novembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC to tackle cyber security

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24-novembre-14 finance-investissement.com Volontaires recherchés en cybersécurité

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21-novembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Referrals: Keeping it legal; When contacting a new prospect, be sure to stay on the right side of the law

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20-novembre-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC letter to IIROC has advisor picking sides

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18-novembre-14 Advisor.ca Time to end CSI monopoly: IIAC

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17-novembre-14 Wealthprofessional.ca The greatest Canadian investor of all time is…?

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15-novembre-14 Finance et Investissement Un jeune financier qui se démarque

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11-novembre-14 Forexmagnates.com The First Renminbi Trading Hub in North America Is Toronto

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10-novembre-14 Advisor.ca Canada strikes currency deal with China

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10-novembre-14 Forexmagnates.com The First Renminbi Trading Hub in North America Is Toronto

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7-novembre-14 Investment Executive Is RRIF reform on the federal agenda?

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7-novembre-14 Investment Executive Pension plan or tax?

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31-octobre-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC inducted a new crop of talent into the Hall of Fame. What a night.

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31-octobre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Enhanced T1135 means more work for advisors

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28-octobre-14 Advisor.ca CRM will improve client decisions: IIAC

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28-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com CRM2 an opportunity to test disclosure’s effectiveness

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27-octobre-14 Investment Executive Relief for Americans holding RRSPs

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27-octobre-14 Investment Executive Compliance officer takes the spotlight

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27-octobre-14 CBC.ca On the Commons committee agenda

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24-octobre-14 Wealth Professional News bits from the week that was

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17-octobre-14 Bloomberg Teine Energy Said to Push Back Canada IPO Amid Oil Plunge

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 4) The bumpy road to reform

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 8) Reinventing the client relationship

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 10) Tackling the conversation

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 20) Is CRM3 on the horizon?

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 4) Une réforme qui resserrera les liens avec le client

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 10) Comment convaincre vos clients

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 18) Turbulence et ajustements en vue

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 20) Lourds défis technologiques à relever

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive Regulation: Tackling CRM2

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive Groups focusing on retirement

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive The global hunt for taxes

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive Stay on top of changing U.S. rules

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15-octobre-14 Finance et Investissement Canaliser l’épargne vers les entreprises québécoises

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14-octobre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report CRA pursues RRSP Strip

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14-octobre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Compliance roundup: octobre2014

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9-octobre-14 Advisor.ca PEI joins plan for national securities regulator

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9-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com PEI signs on

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9-octobre-14 Financial Post E.F. Hutton quietly shelves plans to open brokerage in Canada

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8-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com Avoid CRM2 breakdowns

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8-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com Tax filing relief for Americans who own RRSPs, RRIFs

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6-octobre-14 Globeandmail.com Why boutique dealers are still struggling

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30-septembre-14 Bloomberg Video: Jack Rando – Conférence de Bloomberg 2014

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25-septembre-14 Finance et Investissement Le secteur des valeurs mobilières n’en a pas fini avec les fusions et acquisitions

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24-septembre-14 globeandmail.com Boutique investment firms feel the pressure even as markets rebound

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24-septembre-14 financialpost.com Canadian investment dealers rebound from financial crisis, but boutique firms fall behind

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24-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Boutique firms still struggling; Investment industry performance improves, but the outlook for smaller firms remains uncertain

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24-septembre-14 Advisor.ca Boutique firms should buy their competition

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23-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Tempest Capital to resign from IIROC

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive Regulation: A national overhaul? Proposed federal legislation focuses on systemic risk

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive Bolster RRSPs, C.D. Howe paper suggests

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive How banks became 800-lb. gorillas

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive IE and the events that have shaped markets since 1989

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12-septembre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Compliance roundup: September 2014

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9-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com One step closer for cooperative regulator

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9-septembre-14 Advisor.ca IIAC supports Capital Markets Stability act

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9-septembre-14 National Post Jim Prentice could alter dialogue on federal-provincial securities regulator

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4-septembre-14 National Post OSFI deputy Andrew Kriegler leaving to take over as head of IIROC

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3-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIROC names new CEO

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3-septembre-14 BenefitsCanada.com IIROC picks new CEO

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3-septembre-14 Advisor.ca IIROC names new CEO

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2-septembre-14 globeandmail.com Institutional brokerage profits up but returns weak

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2-septembre-14 Financial Post Magazine The crying game

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20-août-14 The Bottom Line Saskatchewan, N.B. join national securities push

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20-août-14 gestionnairedefortune.ca Le prochain budget fédéral doit venir en aide aux PME

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18-août-14 Finance et Investissement Accès électronique aux marchés : l’OCRCVM prolonge le délai de mise à jour

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14-août-14 wealthprofessional.ca Sounding the alarm on small business; Can a smart policy proposal from IIAC save the small business sector from collapse?

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14-août-14 investmentexecutive.com IOSCO aims to improve rule-making process for global markets; IIAC’s Ian Russell reports on a recent meeting of global regulators and industry players

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14-août-14 Advisor.ca Update on global regulatory initiatives

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8-août-14 Benefits and Pensions Monitor IIAC Wants Retirement Savings Boosted

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8-août-14 Techvibes.com Investment Association Wants Government to Give Small Business Investors Tax Breaks

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6-août-14 financialpost.com Give tax breaks to boost financing for small business, investment industry group says

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6-août-14 investmentexecutive.com New rules for savings vehicles and startups needed: IIAC

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6-août-14 Advisor.ca More RRSP room needed, says IIAC

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1-août-14 Investment Executive Regulation: An end to dual-platform firms?

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1-août-14 Investment Executive Exempt-market proposals provoke ire

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1-août-14 benefitscanada.com People Watch: On the move in July

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29-juillet-14 globeandmail.com Salman Partners acquires Woodstone Capital

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24-juillet-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC’s Ian Russell takes issue with FAIR Canada’s criticism of the investing industry

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24-juillet-14 benefitscanada.com IIAC names new chair, vice-chair

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24-juillet-14 wealthprofessional.ca Bond liquidity issue beginning to leak

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23-juillet-14 globeandmail.com Investment industry group recruits new chair

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23-juillet-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC welcomes new board leaders, members

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23-juillet-14 Conseiller.ca Marché des titres d’emprunt : CanPX veut plus de transparence

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17-juillet-14 investmentexecutive.com CanPX improves bond market transparency

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16-juillet-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC head optimistic about single securities regulator

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14-juillet-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC head warns on bond market liquidity

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10-juillet-14 National Post As Oliver pulls, Alberta pushes back; National Regulator

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10-juillet-14 Toronto Star More provinces join push for sole regulator

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10-juillet-14 Conseiller.ca Commission nationale des valeurs mobilières : Ottawa prêt à aller de l’avant

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9-juillet-14 The Globe and Mail Saskatchewan, New Brunswick to join national securities regulator

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9-juillet-14 BNN IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement on BNN

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9-juillet-14 CTV News Channel IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement

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9-juillet-14 Global News IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement

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28-juin-14 Le Devoir Financement participatif – Séduire la foule

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26-juin-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC announces 2014 Hall of Fame inductees

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26-juin-14 Advisor.ca IIAC announces 2014 Hall of Fame inductees

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26-juin-14 Finance et Investissement Nouveaux intronisés au Temple de la renommée de l’ACCVM

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25-juin-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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25-juin-14 National Post Canadian industry claims win in long fight over U.S. crackdown on tax evasion

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25-juin-14 ledevoir.com Une limite trop basse nuirait à l’économie

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24-juin-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC focused on limiting FATCA impact

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24-juin-14 Advisor.ca IIAC aims to ease FATCA compliance burdens

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16-juin-14 Canadian Press Investment group boss optimistic Alberta will join national securities regulator

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13-juin-14 FORUM Magazine Then and Now – Leader Series: Ian Russell, IIAC president and CEO

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10-juin-14 Bloomberg Ex-CIBC Treasurer Said Canada Bank Regulator Candidate

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6-juin-14 wealthprofessional.ca Investment industry association welcomes new direction in Quebec

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5-juin-14 finance-investissement.com Le budget bien accueilli par le secteur des valeurs mobilières, selon l’ACCVM

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5-juin-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC pleased with Quebec’s deficit reduction plans

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3-juin-14 finance-investissement.com Budget Québec : l’ACCVM interpelle Carlos Leitao

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2-juin-14 Investmentexecutive.com Canada less vulnerable to unfair HFT practices: IIAC

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2-juin-14 financialpost.com Upstart stock exchange Aequitas to seek new investors, restrict high-frequency traders

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2-juin-14 Advisor.ca Are high-speed traders better regulated in Canada?

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1-juin-14 Investment Executive CRM2 and you

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1-juin-14 Investment Executive Pension reform: Help or hindrance?

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28-mai-14 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix Sask. key to proposed national securities regulator

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28-mai-14 Regina Leader Post Sask. key to proposed national securities regulator

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28-mai-14 Conseiller.ca Cher Monsieur Leitao…

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23-mai-14 globeandmail.com Canaccord’s Peter Brown retires

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23-mai-14 investmentexecutive.com Peter Brown leaving Canaccord Genuity

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20-mai-14 wealthprofessional.ca Cross-border Tax Information Bill a Good One According to Industry Leaders

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14-mai-14 Financial Post Don’t delay law for sharing tax information with U.S., Canada’s investment industry urges

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14-mai-14 investmentexecutive.com Delay in passing Bill C-31 will have ‘serious consequences’ for FATCA, IIAC warns

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14-mai-14 Advisor.ca IIAC urges feds to pass law implementing FATCA

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14-mai-14 Wealthprofessional.ca Approve bill to ward off FATCA delay: Industry leader

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12-mai-14 LesAffaires.com S.O.S Bourse québécoise

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10-mai-14 La Presse Anémie d’inscriptions québécoises en Bourse

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9-mai-14 Halifax Chronicle Herald National securities system urged

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8-mai-14 globeandmail.com Nova Scotia mulls joining national regulator

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8-mai-14 The Globe and Mail Saskatchewan eyes national regulator pact

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8-mai-14 Bloomberg Harper Re-Election Hinges on 73-Year-Old Rookie Oliver

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6-mai-14 Investment Executive Investors have been fundamentally transformed by the financial crisis

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6-mai-14 Advisor.ca Clients demand more frequent communication

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5-mai-14 La Presse Une démocratie actionnariale à réformer

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1-mai-14 Financial Post Co-operative securities regulator progress made ‘behind the scenes,’ Joe Oliver says

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28-Apr-14 Investment Executive The chore of implementing CRM 2

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28-Apr-14 Investment Executive Designations and seniors: Use caution

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24-Apr-14 finance-investissement.com Ministères économiques : accueil favorable de l’industrie

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22-Apr-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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21-Apr-14 Advisor.ca What to do for senior clients

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17-Apr-14 Wealth Professional Ian Russell makes WP’s 2014 Hot List

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11-Apr-14 CTV News Channel L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne CTV News Channel

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11-Apr-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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10-Apr-14 Canadian Press Business leaders describe Flaherty’s economic leadership as global in scope

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10-Apr-14 Canadian Press Former finance minister Jim Flaherty has died

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10-Apr-14 nationalpost.com Jim Flaherty a finance minister always held in high regard by Bay Street

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10-Apr-14 Bloomberg.com Premiers, Ministers, Businesspeople on Jim Flaherty

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10-Apr-14 Toronto Star Canadian business leaders mourn Jim Flaherty’s passing

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10-Apr-14 Advisor.ca Former finance minister Flaherty dead

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9-Apr-14 Advisor.ca CRM2 will challenge you

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9-Apr-14 Conseiller.ca La mise en œuvre du MRCC 2 : un défi de taille

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8-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com CRM 2 reforms an opportunity for dealers: IIAC

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8-Apr-14 wealthprofessional.ca If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

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3-Apr-14 globeandmail.com Ottawa presses ahead despite Alberta’s new securities regulation plan

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3-Apr-14 The Globe and Mail IIROC head to depart after eight years

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2-Apr-14 Advisor.ca Finance bites back at FATCA criticism

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1-Apr-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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1-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com Firms under SROs still seeking reassurances on CRM 2 implementation

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1-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com B.C. advises citizens to revise wills

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1-Apr-14 Financial Post Magazine Ian Russell feature article – Going global: One of Canada’s leading voices on capital markets reform takes his act to the world

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Ian Russell letter to the editor

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Stiff opposition to fiduciary duty

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Bay Street minister

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1-Apr-14 finance-investissement.com Allègement bienvenu

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31-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com Long road ahead in implementing CRM 2

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31-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC fears B.C. estates law will have unintended consequences

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21-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Oliver will push for national regulator: experts

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20-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Unlike Jim Flaherty, new Finance Minister Joe Oliver has already earned his Bay Street cred

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19-Mar-14 BNN IIAC president and CEO Ian Russell comments on Joe Oliver as Canada’s new Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 CTV News Channel IIAC president and CEO Ian Russell comments on Joe Oliver as Canada’s new Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 National Post Unlike Jim Flaherty, new Finance Minister Joe Oliver has already earned his Bay Street cred

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19-Mar-14 Canadian Press Joe Oliver an unlikely choice for finance minister, or the only one?

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19-Mar-14 Bloomberg.com Reactions to Flaherty’s Resignation as Canada Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 Reuters.com NEWSMAKER-Canada’s Joe Oliver brings Bay Street know-how to finance minister’s job

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19-Mar-14 Finance et Investissement Servir la clientèle âgée dans son intérêt

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18-Mar-14 Bloomberg.com Flaherty’s Time as Finance Minister Expires Amid Clashes

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18-Mar-14 Wall Street Journal Flaherty Resigns: Some Reaction

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18-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com Flaherty’s departure raises questions about national regulator

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18-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Flaherty quits

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18-Mar-14 CBC.ca Jim Flaherty praised for prudent fiscal policy, steady hand in crisis

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18-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC guidance helps advisors work with seniors

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18-Mar-14 Advisor.ca How to protect senior clients

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11-Mar-14 The Globe and Mail Ready to file? Don’t jump the gun

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11-Mar-14 Advisor.ca IIAC backs South Korea free trade deal

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7-Mar-14 Starbusinessclub.ca Star Business Club – FRIDAY ROUNDUP

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6-Mar-14 imvestmentexecutive.com IIAC calls on feds to help small business

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6-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Small business key to recovery: IIAC

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6-Mar-14 Business in Vancouver The federal government needs to do more to help small businesses raise capital: IIAC

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Russell: ICSA’s new head

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Financial planning: Are new rules on the horizon?

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive The best regulatory approach?

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Rules consolidation problematic?

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27-Feb-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC calls for Hall of Fame nominations

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27-Feb-14 Advisor.ca IIAC seeks Hall of Fame nominees

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27-Feb-14 canadianinvestor.com Investment industry plans awards show

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27-Feb-14 Advisor.ca BREAKING: T1135 gets another facelift

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24-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Firms need help handling CRM2 reforms, says IIAC

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24-Feb-14 Morningstar.ca The future of advice: Part 1

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24-Feb-14 Morningstar.ca L’avenir des conseils : Première partie

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20-Feb-14 finance-investissement.com Croesus aux portes du marché américain

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19-Feb-14 financialpost.com IIROC puts heat on dealers to protect clients who borrow to invest

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19-Feb-14 The Globe and Mail Ontario MPP seeks to regulate financial advisers

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18-Feb-14 financialpost.com Investment industry pushes back against regulation of ‘negligence’

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18-Feb-14 Stockwatch.com Globe says IIROC pans bill to regulate advisers

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18-Feb-14 finance-investissement.com Budget fédéral 2014 : l’ACCVM attend encore

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15-Feb-14 Investment Executive Taxes: Easing on FATCA

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14-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Last year’s tax traps

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6-Feb-14 Financial Post Investment advisors embrace reform efforts

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6-Feb-14 Financial Post Canada signs agreement to dull impact of U.S. crackdown on tax cheats

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5-Feb-14 Bloomberg.com Canada Signs U.S. Tax Information Pact to Comply With FATCA

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5-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Flaherty inks FATCA deal

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5-Feb-14 wealthprofessional.ca Breathe! FATCA’s off your back!

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5-Feb-14 Finance et Investissement Québec régirait la langue des prospectus

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4-Feb-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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4-Feb-14 Investment Executive Budget 2014: Help for small fry?

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4-Feb-14 financialpost.com Canada’s investment industry keeping an eye on China

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4-Feb-14 investmentexecutive.com China’s fortunes key to global economy: Russell; Asian giant’s growth outlook will impact commodities markets, resource companies’ earnings, and the prospects for rebounding growth in Canada

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4-Feb-14 Advisor.ca China to lose steam in 2014

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4-Feb-14 Shanghai Business Review Canada keeps eye on China’s growth

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4-Feb-14 CNTVNA.com Canadian investment industry eyeing China

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3-Feb-14 Ottawalife.com Hong Kong The Canadian Trade Relationship

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31-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC Top Under 40 Award call for nominations

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28-Jan-14 financialpost.com Ian Russell, head of Canada’s investment industry association, elected to top international post

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28-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com Ian Russell elected ICSA chairman

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28-Jan-14 Advisor.ca IIAC head elected incoming chair of ICSA

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28-Jan-14 Wealthprofessional.ca IIAC president to serve as ICSA chairman

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28-Jan-14 finance-investissement.com Le budget fédéral analysé dans un webinaire gratuit

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27-Jan-14 Wall Street Journal Canada blog Canada’s Small Investment Banks Struggle, Spurring Consolidation

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27-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com Edgecrest Capital Buys Stonecap Securities in Canada

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27-Jan-14 National Post Boutique investment dealers in Canada struggle to survive

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27-Jan-14 Wall Street Journal Canada’s Edgecrest Capital to Acquire Stonecap Securities

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24-Jan-14 wealthprofessional.ca EMDs, the next threat?

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24-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Globeandmail.com – The Week’s Highlights

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23-Jan-14 financialpost.com ‘Feast or famine’ for Canada’s investment firms: IIAC

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23-Jan-14 Investmentexecutive.com Boutique dealers still struggling: IIAC

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23-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Big firms shine as boutiques suffer: IIAC

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21-Jan-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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15-Jan-14 Investment Executive Global financial-reporting regime coming?

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15-Jan-14 Finance et Investissement Des demandes pour le budget fédéral

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14-Jan-14 finance.yahoo.com ITCI Invictus Technologies: Introducing the IIAC Technology Savings Program

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13-Jan-14 finance-investissement.com Une reprise des marchés « lente, mais solide » selon un sondage de l’ACCVM

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10-Jan-14 Financial Post Canadian investors expected to jump back into markets in 2014: IIAC survey

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10-Jan-14 benefitscanada.com Investment dealer CEOs say markets are recovering

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10-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com KKR to Open Canadian Office to Expand Energy Business

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9-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Investment dealers confident of strong 2014

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9-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com Markets are recovering, dealer CEOs say

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9-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com Optimism of Canadian Securities Firms’ CEOs Slips, Survey Finds

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9-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Tough year ahead for firms, says IIAC

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9-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Investment tips for the coming year

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9-Jan-14 Rogers Cable TV The Empire Club of Canada’s 2014 Outlook Luncheon

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9-Jan-14 Calgary Herald BMO Adds Energy Banking Team in London to Fill Strategic Gap

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7-Jan-14 Le Devoir Services bancaires et d’investissements – Les différends devront être réglés devant l’Ombudsman

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6-Jan-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN (1)

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6-Jan-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN (2)

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29-décembre-14 Globe and Mail Investment advisers in stalemate with regulators over fee disclosure rules

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29-décembre-14 National Post Ian Russell Letter: Regulator’s flaws are fixable

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24-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Regulators’ plates will be full in 2015

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24-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Regulators moved forward on several key fronts in 2014

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23-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC steps up lobbying to delay CRM2

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23-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Industry group asking for changes to TFSA rules

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22-décembre-14 National Post 70 thumbs down for new national securities regulator plans

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19-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com CSA approves MFDA CRM2 amendments

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17-décembre-14 Wealthprofessional.ca CRM2 delay: advisors have their say

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15-décembre-14 Benefits and Pensions Monitor Oil Prices Could Undo Gains

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15-décembre-14 Finance et Investissement Les opérations sur titres de créance divulguées

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12-décembre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report CRM2 could create tax nightmare

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11-décembre-14 Advisor.ca Year in review: IIAC

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11-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Volatile markets may undo industry gains: IIAC’s Russell

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11-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IFIC submission on CCMRS focuses on systemic risk deficiencies

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9-décembre-14 Advisor.ca IIAC supports PCMA, CMSA consultation drafts

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9-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC voices concerns about cooperative regulator; Industry association stresses the importance of minimizing disruptions as the new system is created

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4-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIROC updates Fee Model Guidelines

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4-décembre-14 National Post TFSA holders under audit banned from withdrawals as dealers fear getting stuck with tax bills

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3-décembre-14 BNN.ca Who gets audited? Advisors demand clarity from CRA on TFSA ‘businesses’

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3-décembre-14 Wealth Professional A living legend revisits a life on Bay Street; Thomas Caldwell entered the IIAC Hall of Fame this fall.

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3-décembre-14 Newstalk 770 (Calgary) Ian Russell discusses CRA’s audits of certain TFSA accounts

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2-décembre-14 BNN Ian Russell discusses CRA’s audits of certain TFSA accounts

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2-décembre-14 National Post Canadians with too many wins in their TFSA are being targeted by CRA

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2-décembre-14 investmentexecutive.com 365-day tax season at a glance

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1-décembre-14 Investment Executive Ian Russell guest column: Opening Canada’s commercial window

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28-novembre-14 Investment Executive IIAC is seeking a delay to CRM2

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28-novembre-14 Investment Executive IIROC mulls advisor education reform

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28-novembre-14 Investment Executive Making a push for advisor incorporation

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27-novembre-14 Advisor.ca Trade agreement with EU will benefit investment industry: IIAC

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27-novembre-14 investmentexecutive.com CETA offers opportunities for Canada, investment industry: IIAC

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24-novembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC to tackle cyber security

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24-novembre-14 finance-investissement.com Volontaires recherchés en cybersécurité

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21-novembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Referrals: Keeping it legal; When contacting a new prospect, be sure to stay on the right side of the law

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20-novembre-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC letter to IIROC has advisor picking sides

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18-novembre-14 Advisor.ca Time to end CSI monopoly: IIAC

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17-novembre-14 Wealthprofessional.ca The greatest Canadian investor of all time is…?

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15-novembre-14 Finance et Investissement Un jeune financier qui se démarque

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11-novembre-14 Forexmagnates.com The First Renminbi Trading Hub in North America Is Toronto

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10-novembre-14 Advisor.ca Canada strikes currency deal with China

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10-novembre-14 Forexmagnates.com The First Renminbi Trading Hub in North America Is Toronto

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7-novembre-14 Investment Executive Is RRIF reform on the federal agenda?

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7-novembre-14 Investment Executive Pension plan or tax?

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31-octobre-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC inducted a new crop of talent into the Hall of Fame. What a night.

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31-octobre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Enhanced T1135 means more work for advisors

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28-octobre-14 Advisor.ca CRM will improve client decisions: IIAC

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28-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com CRM2 an opportunity to test disclosure’s effectiveness

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27-octobre-14 Investment Executive Relief for Americans holding RRSPs

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27-octobre-14 Investment Executive Compliance officer takes the spotlight

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27-octobre-14 CBC.ca On the Commons committee agenda

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24-octobre-14 Wealth Professional News bits from the week that was

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17-octobre-14 Bloomberg Teine Energy Said to Push Back Canada IPO Amid Oil Plunge

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 4) The bumpy road to reform

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 8) Reinventing the client relationship

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 10) Tackling the conversation

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15-octobre-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 20) Is CRM3 on the horizon?

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 4) Une réforme qui resserrera les liens avec le client

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 10) Comment convaincre vos clients

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 18) Turbulence et ajustements en vue

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15-octobre-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 20) Lourds défis technologiques à relever

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive Regulation: Tackling CRM2

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive Groups focusing on retirement

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive The global hunt for taxes

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15-octobre-14 Investment Executive Stay on top of changing U.S. rules

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15-octobre-14 Finance et Investissement Canaliser l’épargne vers les entreprises québécoises

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14-octobre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report CRA pursues RRSP Strip

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14-octobre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Compliance roundup: octobre2014

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9-octobre-14 Advisor.ca PEI joins plan for national securities regulator

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9-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com PEI signs on

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9-octobre-14 Financial Post E.F. Hutton quietly shelves plans to open brokerage in Canada

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8-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com Avoid CRM2 breakdowns

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8-octobre-14 investmentexecutive.com Tax filing relief for Americans who own RRSPs, RRIFs

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6-octobre-14 Globeandmail.com Why boutique dealers are still struggling

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30-septembre-14 Bloomberg Video: Jack Rando – Conférence de Bloomberg 2014

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25-septembre-14 Finance et Investissement Le secteur des valeurs mobilières n’en a pas fini avec les fusions et acquisitions

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24-septembre-14 globeandmail.com Boutique investment firms feel the pressure even as markets rebound

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24-septembre-14 financialpost.com Canadian investment dealers rebound from financial crisis, but boutique firms fall behind

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24-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Boutique firms still struggling; Investment industry performance improves, but the outlook for smaller firms remains uncertain

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24-septembre-14 Advisor.ca Boutique firms should buy their competition

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23-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com Tempest Capital to resign from IIROC

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive Regulation: A national overhaul? Proposed federal legislation focuses on systemic risk

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive Bolster RRSPs, C.D. Howe paper suggests

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive How banks became 800-lb. gorillas

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19-septembre-14 Investment Executive IE and the events that have shaped markets since 1989

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12-septembre-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Compliance roundup: September 2014

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9-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com One step closer for cooperative regulator

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9-septembre-14 Advisor.ca IIAC supports Capital Markets Stability act

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9-septembre-14 National Post Jim Prentice could alter dialogue on federal-provincial securities regulator

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4-septembre-14 National Post OSFI deputy Andrew Kriegler leaving to take over as head of IIROC

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3-septembre-14 investmentexecutive.com IIROC names new CEO

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3-septembre-14 BenefitsCanada.com IIROC picks new CEO

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3-septembre-14 Advisor.ca IIROC names new CEO

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2-septembre-14 globeandmail.com Institutional brokerage profits up but returns weak

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2-septembre-14 Financial Post Magazine The crying game

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20-août-14 The Bottom Line Saskatchewan, N.B. join national securities push

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20-août-14 gestionnairedefortune.ca Le prochain budget fédéral doit venir en aide aux PME

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18-août-14 Finance et Investissement Accès électronique aux marchés : l’OCRCVM prolonge le délai de mise à jour

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14-août-14 wealthprofessional.ca Sounding the alarm on small business; Can a smart policy proposal from IIAC save the small business sector from collapse?

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14-août-14 investmentexecutive.com IOSCO aims to improve rule-making process for global markets; IIAC’s Ian Russell reports on a recent meeting of global regulators and industry players

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14-août-14 Advisor.ca Update on global regulatory initiatives

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8-août-14 Benefits and Pensions Monitor IIAC Wants Retirement Savings Boosted

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8-août-14 Techvibes.com Investment Association Wants Government to Give Small Business Investors Tax Breaks

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6-août-14 financialpost.com Give tax breaks to boost financing for small business, investment industry group says

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6-août-14 investmentexecutive.com New rules for savings vehicles and startups needed: IIAC

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6-août-14 Advisor.ca More RRSP room needed, says IIAC

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1-août-14 Investment Executive Regulation: An end to dual-platform firms?

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1-août-14 Investment Executive Exempt-market proposals provoke ire

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1-août-14 benefitscanada.com People Watch: On the move in July

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29-juillet-14 globeandmail.com Salman Partners acquires Woodstone Capital

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24-juillet-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC’s Ian Russell takes issue with FAIR Canada’s criticism of the investing industry

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24-juillet-14 benefitscanada.com IIAC names new chair, vice-chair

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24-juillet-14 wealthprofessional.ca Bond liquidity issue beginning to leak

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23-juillet-14 globeandmail.com Investment industry group recruits new chair

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23-juillet-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC welcomes new board leaders, members

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23-juillet-14 Conseiller.ca Marché des titres d’emprunt : CanPX veut plus de transparence

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17-juillet-14 investmentexecutive.com CanPX improves bond market transparency

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16-juillet-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC head optimistic about single securities regulator

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14-juillet-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC head warns on bond market liquidity

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10-juillet-14 National Post As Oliver pulls, Alberta pushes back; National Regulator

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10-juillet-14 Toronto Star More provinces join push for sole regulator

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10-juillet-14 Conseiller.ca Commission nationale des valeurs mobilières : Ottawa prêt à aller de l’avant

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9-juillet-14 The Globe and Mail Saskatchewan, New Brunswick to join national securities regulator

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9-juillet-14 BNN IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement on BNN

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9-juillet-14 CTV News Channel IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement

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9-juillet-14 Global News IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement

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28-juin-14 Le Devoir Financement participatif – Séduire la foule

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26-juin-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC announces 2014 Hall of Fame inductees

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26-juin-14 Advisor.ca IIAC announces 2014 Hall of Fame inductees

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26-juin-14 Finance et Investissement Nouveaux intronisés au Temple de la renommée de l’ACCVM

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25-juin-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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25-juin-14 National Post Canadian industry claims win in long fight over U.S. crackdown on tax evasion

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25-juin-14 ledevoir.com Une limite trop basse nuirait à l’économie

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24-juin-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC focused on limiting FATCA impact

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24-juin-14 Advisor.ca IIAC aims to ease FATCA compliance burdens

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16-juin-14 Canadian Press Investment group boss optimistic Alberta will join national securities regulator

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13-juin-14 FORUM Magazine Then and Now – Leader Series: Ian Russell, IIAC president and CEO

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10-juin-14 Bloomberg Ex-CIBC Treasurer Said Canada Bank Regulator Candidate

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6-juin-14 wealthprofessional.ca Investment industry association welcomes new direction in Quebec

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5-juin-14 finance-investissement.com Le budget bien accueilli par le secteur des valeurs mobilières, selon l’ACCVM

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5-juin-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC pleased with Quebec’s deficit reduction plans

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3-juin-14 finance-investissement.com Budget Québec : l’ACCVM interpelle Carlos Leitao

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2-juin-14 Investmentexecutive.com Canada less vulnerable to unfair HFT practices: IIAC

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2-juin-14 financialpost.com Upstart stock exchange Aequitas to seek new investors, restrict high-frequency traders

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2-juin-14 Advisor.ca Are high-speed traders better regulated in Canada?

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1-juin-14 Investment Executive CRM2 and you

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1-juin-14 Investment Executive Pension reform: Help or hindrance?

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28-mai-14 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix Sask. key to proposed national securities regulator

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28-mai-14 Regina Leader Post Sask. key to proposed national securities regulator

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28-mai-14 Conseiller.ca Cher Monsieur Leitao…

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23-mai-14 globeandmail.com Canaccord’s Peter Brown retires

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23-mai-14 investmentexecutive.com Peter Brown leaving Canaccord Genuity

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20-mai-14 wealthprofessional.ca Cross-border Tax Information Bill a Good One According to Industry Leaders

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14-mai-14 Financial Post Don’t delay law for sharing tax information with U.S., Canada’s investment industry urges

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14-mai-14 investmentexecutive.com Delay in passing Bill C-31 will have ‘serious consequences’ for FATCA, IIAC warns

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14-mai-14 Advisor.ca IIAC urges feds to pass law implementing FATCA

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14-mai-14 Wealthprofessional.ca Approve bill to ward off FATCA delay: Industry leader

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12-mai-14 LesAffaires.com S.O.S Bourse québécoise

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10-mai-14 La Presse Anémie d’inscriptions québécoises en Bourse

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9-mai-14 Halifax Chronicle Herald National securities system urged

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8-mai-14 globeandmail.com Nova Scotia mulls joining national regulator

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8-mai-14 The Globe and Mail Saskatchewan eyes national regulator pact

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8-mai-14 Bloomberg Harper Re-Election Hinges on 73-Year-Old Rookie Oliver

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6-mai-14 Investment Executive Investors have been fundamentally transformed by the financial crisis

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6-mai-14 Advisor.ca Clients demand more frequent communication

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5-mai-14 La Presse Une démocratie actionnariale à réformer

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1-mai-14 Financial Post Co-operative securities regulator progress made ‘behind the scenes,’ Joe Oliver says

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28-Apr-14 Investment Executive The chore of implementing CRM 2

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28-Apr-14 Investment Executive Designations and seniors: Use caution

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24-Apr-14 finance-investissement.com Ministères économiques : accueil favorable de l’industrie

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22-Apr-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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21-Apr-14 Advisor.ca What to do for senior clients

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17-Apr-14 Wealth Professional Ian Russell makes WP’s 2014 Hot List

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11-Apr-14 CTV News Channel L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne CTV News Channel

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11-Apr-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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10-Apr-14 Canadian Press Business leaders describe Flaherty’s economic leadership as global in scope

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10-Apr-14 Canadian Press Former finance minister Jim Flaherty has died

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10-Apr-14 nationalpost.com Jim Flaherty a finance minister always held in high regard by Bay Street

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10-Apr-14 Bloomberg.com Premiers, Ministers, Businesspeople on Jim Flaherty

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10-Apr-14 Toronto Star Canadian business leaders mourn Jim Flaherty’s passing

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10-Apr-14 Advisor.ca Former finance minister Flaherty dead

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9-Apr-14 Advisor.ca CRM2 will challenge you

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9-Apr-14 Conseiller.ca La mise en œuvre du MRCC 2 : un défi de taille

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8-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com CRM 2 reforms an opportunity for dealers: IIAC

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8-Apr-14 wealthprofessional.ca If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

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3-Apr-14 globeandmail.com Ottawa presses ahead despite Alberta’s new securities regulation plan

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3-Apr-14 The Globe and Mail IIROC head to depart after eight years

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2-Apr-14 Advisor.ca Finance bites back at FATCA criticism

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1-Apr-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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1-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com Firms under SROs still seeking reassurances on CRM 2 implementation

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1-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com B.C. advises citizens to revise wills

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1-Apr-14 Financial Post Magazine Ian Russell feature article – Going global: One of Canada’s leading voices on capital markets reform takes his act to the world

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Ian Russell letter to the editor

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Stiff opposition to fiduciary duty

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Bay Street minister

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1-Apr-14 finance-investissement.com Allègement bienvenu

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31-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com Long road ahead in implementing CRM 2

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31-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC fears B.C. estates law will have unintended consequences

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21-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Oliver will push for national regulator: experts

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20-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Unlike Jim Flaherty, new Finance Minister Joe Oliver has already earned his Bay Street cred

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19-Mar-14 BNN IIAC president and CEO Ian Russell comments on Joe Oliver as Canada’s new Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 CTV News Channel IIAC president and CEO Ian Russell comments on Joe Oliver as Canada’s new Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 National Post Unlike Jim Flaherty, new Finance Minister Joe Oliver has already earned his Bay Street cred

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19-Mar-14 Canadian Press Joe Oliver an unlikely choice for finance minister, or the only one?

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19-Mar-14 Bloomberg.com Reactions to Flaherty’s Resignation as Canada Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 Reuters.com NEWSMAKER-Canada’s Joe Oliver brings Bay Street know-how to finance minister’s job

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19-Mar-14 Finance et Investissement Servir la clientèle âgée dans son intérêt

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18-Mar-14 Bloomberg.com Flaherty’s Time as Finance Minister Expires Amid Clashes

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18-Mar-14 Wall Street Journal Flaherty Resigns: Some Reaction

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18-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com Flaherty’s departure raises questions about national regulator

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18-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Flaherty quits

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18-Mar-14 CBC.ca Jim Flaherty praised for prudent fiscal policy, steady hand in crisis

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18-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC guidance helps advisors work with seniors

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18-Mar-14 Advisor.ca How to protect senior clients

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11-Mar-14 The Globe and Mail Ready to file? Don’t jump the gun

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11-Mar-14 Advisor.ca IIAC backs South Korea free trade deal

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7-Mar-14 Starbusinessclub.ca Star Business Club – FRIDAY ROUNDUP

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6-Mar-14 imvestmentexecutive.com IIAC calls on feds to help small business

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6-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Small business key to recovery: IIAC

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6-Mar-14 Business in Vancouver The federal government needs to do more to help small businesses raise capital: IIAC

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Russell: ICSA’s new head

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Financial planning: Are new rules on the horizon?

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive The best regulatory approach?

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Rules consolidation problematic?

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27-Feb-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC calls for Hall of Fame nominations

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27-Feb-14 Advisor.ca IIAC seeks Hall of Fame nominees

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27-Feb-14 canadianinvestor.com Investment industry plans awards show

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27-Feb-14 Advisor.ca BREAKING: T1135 gets another facelift

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24-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Firms need help handling CRM2 reforms, says IIAC

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24-Feb-14 Morningstar.ca The future of advice: Part 1

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24-Feb-14 Morningstar.ca L’avenir des conseils : Première partie

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20-Feb-14 finance-investissement.com Croesus aux portes du marché américain

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19-Feb-14 financialpost.com IIROC puts heat on dealers to protect clients who borrow to invest

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19-Feb-14 The Globe and Mail Ontario MPP seeks to regulate financial advisers

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18-Feb-14 financialpost.com Investment industry pushes back against regulation of ‘negligence’

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18-Feb-14 Stockwatch.com Globe says IIROC pans bill to regulate advisers

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18-Feb-14 finance-investissement.com Budget fédéral 2014 : l’ACCVM attend encore

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15-Feb-14 Investment Executive Taxes: Easing on FATCA

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14-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Last year’s tax traps

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6-Feb-14 Financial Post Investment advisors embrace reform efforts

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6-Feb-14 Financial Post Canada signs agreement to dull impact of U.S. crackdown on tax cheats

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5-Feb-14 Bloomberg.com Canada Signs U.S. Tax Information Pact to Comply With FATCA

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5-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Flaherty inks FATCA deal

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5-Feb-14 wealthprofessional.ca Breathe! FATCA’s off your back!

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5-Feb-14 Finance et Investissement Québec régirait la langue des prospectus

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4-Feb-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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4-Feb-14 Investment Executive Budget 2014: Help for small fry?

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4-Feb-14 financialpost.com Canada’s investment industry keeping an eye on China

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4-Feb-14 investmentexecutive.com China’s fortunes key to global economy: Russell; Asian giant’s growth outlook will impact commodities markets, resource companies’ earnings, and the prospects for rebounding growth in Canada

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4-Feb-14 Advisor.ca China to lose steam in 2014

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4-Feb-14 Shanghai Business Review Canada keeps eye on China’s growth

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4-Feb-14 CNTVNA.com Canadian investment industry eyeing China

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3-Feb-14 Ottawalife.com Hong Kong The Canadian Trade Relationship

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31-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC Top Under 40 Award call for nominations

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28-Jan-14 financialpost.com Ian Russell, head of Canada’s investment industry association, elected to top international post

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28-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com Ian Russell elected ICSA chairman

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28-Jan-14 Advisor.ca IIAC head elected incoming chair of ICSA

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28-Jan-14 Wealthprofessional.ca IIAC president to serve as ICSA chairman

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28-Jan-14 finance-investissement.com Le budget fédéral analysé dans un webinaire gratuit

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27-Jan-14 Wall Street Journal Canada blog Canada’s Small Investment Banks Struggle, Spurring Consolidation

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27-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com Edgecrest Capital Buys Stonecap Securities in Canada

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27-Jan-14 National Post Boutique investment dealers in Canada struggle to survive

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27-Jan-14 Wall Street Journal Canada’s Edgecrest Capital to Acquire Stonecap Securities

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24-Jan-14 wealthprofessional.ca EMDs, the next threat?

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24-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Globeandmail.com – The Week’s Highlights

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23-Jan-14 financialpost.com ‘Feast or famine’ for Canada’s investment firms: IIAC

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23-Jan-14 Investmentexecutive.com Boutique dealers still struggling: IIAC

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23-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Big firms shine as boutiques suffer: IIAC

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21-Jan-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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15-Jan-14 Investment Executive Global financial-reporting regime coming?

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15-Jan-14 Finance et Investissement Des demandes pour le budget fédéral

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14-Jan-14 finance.yahoo.com ITCI Invictus Technologies: Introducing the IIAC Technology Savings Program

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13-Jan-14 finance-investissement.com Une reprise des marchés « lente, mais solide » selon un sondage de l’ACCVM

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10-Jan-14 Financial Post Canadian investors expected to jump back into markets in 2014: IIAC survey

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10-Jan-14 benefitscanada.com Investment dealer CEOs say markets are recovering

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10-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com KKR to Open Canadian Office to Expand Energy Business

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9-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Investment dealers confident of strong 2014

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9-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com Markets are recovering, dealer CEOs say

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9-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com Optimism of Canadian Securities Firms’ CEOs Slips, Survey Finds

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9-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Tough year ahead for firms, says IIAC

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9-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Investment tips for the coming year

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9-Jan-14 Rogers Cable TV The Empire Club of Canada’s 2014 Outlook Luncheon

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9-Jan-14 Calgary Herald BMO Adds Energy Banking Team in London to Fill Strategic Gap

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7-Jan-14 Le Devoir Services bancaires et d’investissements – Les différends devront être réglés devant l’Ombudsman

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6-Jan-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN (1)

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6-Jan-14 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN (2)

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29-December-14 Globe and Mail Investment advisers in stalemate with regulators over fee disclosure rules

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29-December-14 National Post Ian Russell Letter: Regulator’s flaws are fixable

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24-December-14 investmentexecutive.com Regulators’ plates will be full in 2015

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24-December-14 investmentexecutive.com Regulators moved forward on several key fronts in 2014

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23-December-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC steps up lobbying to delay CRM2

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23-December-14 investmentexecutive.com Industry group asking for changes to TFSA rules

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22-December-14 National Post 70 thumbs down for new national securities regulator plans

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19-December-14 investmentexecutive.com CSA approves MFDA CRM2 amendments

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17-December-14 Wealthprofessional.ca CRM2 delay: advisors have their say

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15-December-14 Benefits and Pensions Monitor Oil Prices Could Undo Gains

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15-December-14 Finance et Investissement Les opérations sur titres de créance divulguées

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12-December-14 Advisor’s Edge Report CRM2 could create tax nightmare

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11-December-14 Advisor.ca Year in review: IIAC

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11-December-14 investmentexecutive.com Volatile markets may undo industry gains: IIAC’s Russell

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11-December-14 investmentexecutive.com IFIC submission on CCMRS focuses on systemic risk deficiencies

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9-December-14 Advisor.ca IIAC supports PCMA, CMSA consultation drafts

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9-December-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC voices concerns about cooperative regulator; Industry association stresses the importance of minimizing disruptions as the new system is created

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8-December-14 The Hill Times Parliamentary Calendar – January 8, 2015 – Empire Club Outlook Luncheon featuring IIAC’s Ian Russell

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4-December-14 investmentexecutive.com IIROC updates Fee Model Guidelines

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4-December-14 National Post TFSA holders under audit banned from withdrawals as dealers fear getting stuck with tax bills

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3-December-14 BNN.ca Who gets audited? Advisors demand clarity from CRA on TFSA ‘businesses’

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3-December-14 Wealth Professional A living legend revisits a life on Bay Street; Thomas Caldwell entered the IIAC Hall of Fame this fall.

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3-December-14 Newstalk 770 (Calgary) Ian Russell discusses CRA’s audits of certain TFSA accounts

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2-December-14 BNN Ian Russell discusses CRA’s audits of certain TFSA accounts

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2-December-14 National Post Canadians with too many wins in their TFSA are being targeted by CRA

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2-December-14 investmentexecutive.com 365-day tax season at a glance

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1-December-14 Investment Executive Ian Russell guest column: Opening Canada’s commercial window

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28-November-14 Investment Executive IIAC is seeking a delay to CRM2

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28-November-14 Investment Executive IIROC mulls advisor education reform

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28-November-14 Investment Executive Making a push for advisor incorporation

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27-November-14 Advisor.ca Trade agreement with EU will benefit investment industry: IIAC

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27-November-14 investmentexecutive.com CETA offers opportunities for Canada, investment industry: IIAC

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24-November-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC to tackle cyber security

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24-November-14 finance-investissement.com Volontaires recherchés en cybersécurité

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21-November-14 investmentexecutive.com Referrals: Keeping it legal; When contacting a new prospect, be sure to stay on the right side of the law

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20-November-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC letter to IIROC has advisor picking sides

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18-November-14 Advisor.ca Time to end CSI monopoly: IIAC

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17-November-14 Wealthprofessional.ca The greatest Canadian investor of all time is…?

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15-November-14 Finance et Investissement Un jeune financier qui se démarque

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11-November-14 Forexmagnates.com The First Renminbi Trading Hub in North America Is Toronto

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10-November-14 Advisor.ca Canada strikes currency deal with China

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10-November-14 Forexmagnates.com The First Renminbi Trading Hub in North America Is Toronto

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7-November-14 Investment Executive Is RRIF reform on the federal agenda?

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7-November-14 Investment Executive Pension plan or tax?

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31-October-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC inducted a new crop of talent into the Hall of Fame. What a night.

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31-October-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Enhanced T1135 means more work for advisors

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28-October-14 Advisor.ca CRM will improve client decisions: IIAC

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28-October-14 investmentexecutive.com CRM2 an opportunity to test disclosure’s effectiveness

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27-October-14 Investment Executive Relief for Americans holding RRSPs

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27-October-14 Investment Executive Compliance officer takes the spotlight

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27-October-14 CBC.ca On the Commons committee agenda

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24-October-14 Wealth Professional News bits from the week that was

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17-October-14 Bloomberg Teine Energy Said to Push Back Canada IPO Amid Oil Plunge

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15-October-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 4) The bumpy road to reform

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15-October-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 8) Reinventing the client relationship

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15-October-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 10) Tackling the conversation

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15-October-14 CRM2 Guide (pg 20) Is CRM3 on the horizon?

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15-October-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 4) Une réforme qui resserrera les liens avec le client

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15-October-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 10) Comment convaincre vos clients

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15-October-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 18) Turbulence et ajustements en vue

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15-October-14 Guide de MRCC2 (pg. 20) Lourds défis technologiques à relever

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15-October-14 Investment Executive Regulation: Tackling CRM2

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15-October-14 Investment Executive Groups focusing on retirement

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15-October-14 Investment Executive The global hunt for taxes

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15-October-14 Investment Executive Stay on top of changing U.S. rules

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14-October-14 Advisor’s Edge Report CRA pursues RRSP Strip

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14-October-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Compliance roundup: October 2014

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9-October-14 Advisor.ca PEI joins plan for national securities regulator

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9-October-14 investmentexecutive.com PEI signs on

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9-October-14 Financial Post E.F. Hutton quietly shelves plans to open brokerage in Canada

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8-October-14 investmentexecutive.com Avoid CRM2 breakdowns

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8-October-14 investmentexecutive.com Tax filing relief for Americans who own RRSPs, RRIFs

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6-October-14 Globeandmail.com Why boutique dealers are still struggling

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30-September-14 Bloomberg Video: IIAC’s Jack Rando on Canadian Bond Market Transparency, Liquidity at the Bloomberg Canadian Fixed Income Conference

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25-September-14 Finance et Investissement Le secteur des valeurs mobilières n’en a pas fini avec les fusions et acquisitions

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24-September-14 globeandmail.com Boutique investment firms feel the pressure even as markets rebound

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24-September-14 financialpost.com Canadian investment dealers rebound from financial crisis, but boutique firms fall behind

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24-September-14 investmentexecutive.com Boutique firms still struggling; Investment industry performance improves, but the outlook for smaller firms remains uncertain

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24-September-14 Advisor.ca Boutique firms should buy their competition

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23-September-14 investmentexecutive.com Tempest Capital to resign from IIROC

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19-September-14 Investment Executive Regulation: A national overhaul? Proposed federal legislation focuses on systemic risk

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19-September-14 Investment Executive Bolster RRSPs, C.D. Howe paper suggests

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19-September-14 Investment Executive How banks became 800-lb. gorillas

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19-September-14 Investment Executive IE and the events that have shaped markets since 1989

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12-September-14 Advisor’s Edge Report Compliance roundup: September 2014

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9-September-14 investmentexecutive.com One step closer for cooperative regulator

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9-September-14 Advisor.ca IIAC supports Capital Markets Stability act

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9-September-14 National Post Jim Prentice could alter dialogue on federal-provincial securities regulator

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4-September-14 National Post OSFI deputy Andrew Kriegler leaving to take over as head of IIROC

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3-September-14 investmentexecutive.com IIROC names new CEO

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3-September-14 BenefitsCanada.com IIROC picks new CEO

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3-September-14 Advisor.ca IIROC names new CEO

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2-September-14 globeandmail.com Institutional brokerage profits up but returns weak

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2-September-14 Financial Post Magazine The crying game

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20-August-14 The Bottom Line Saskatchewan, N.B. join national securities push

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20-August-14 gestionnairedefortune.ca Le prochain budget fédéral doit venir en aide aux PME

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18-August-14 Finance et Investissement Accès électronique aux marchés : l’OCRCVM prolonge le délai de mise à jour

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14-August-14 wealthprofessional.ca Sounding the alarm on small business; Can a smart policy proposal from IIAC save the small business sector from collapse?

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14-August-14 investmentexecutive.com IOSCO aims to improve rule-making process for global markets; IIAC’s Ian Russell reports on a recent meeting of global regulators and industry players

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14-August-14 Advisor.ca Update on global regulatory initiatives

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8-August-14 Benefits and Pensions Monitor IIAC Wants Retirement Savings Boosted

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8-August-14 Techvibes.com Investment Association Wants Government to Give Small Business Investors Tax Breaks

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6-August-14 financialpost.com Give tax breaks to boost financing for small business, investment industry group says

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6-August-14 investmentexecutive.com New rules for savings vehicles and startups needed: IIAC

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6-August-14 Advisor.ca More RRSP room needed, says IIAC

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1-August-14 Investment Executive Regulation: An end to dual-platform firms?

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1-August-14 Investment Executive Exempt-market proposals provoke ire

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1-August-14 benefitscanada.com People Watch: On the move in July

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29-July-14 globeandmail.com Salman Partners acquires Woodstone Capital

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24-July-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC’s Ian Russell takes issue with FAIR Canada’s criticism of the investing industry

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24-July-14 benefitscanada.com IIAC names new chair, vice-chair

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24-July-14 wealthprofessional.ca Bond liquidity issue beginning to leak

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23-July-14 globeandmail.com Investment industry group recruits new chair

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23-July-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC welcomes new board leaders, members

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23-July-14 Conseiller.ca Marché des titres d’emprunt : CanPX veut plus de transparence

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17-July-14 investmentexecutive.com CanPX improves bond market transparency

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16-July-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC head optimistic about single securities regulator

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14-July-14 wealthprofessional.ca IIAC head warns on bond market liquidity

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10-July-14 National Post As Oliver pulls, Alberta pushes back; National Regulator

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10-July-14 Toronto Star More provinces join push for sole regulator

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10-July-14 Conseiller.ca Commission nationale des valeurs mobilières : Ottawa prêt à aller de l’avant

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9-July-14 The Globe and Mail Saskatchewan, New Brunswick to join national securities regulator

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9-July-14 BNN IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement on BNN

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9-July-14 CTV News Channel IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement

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9-July-14 Global News IIAC chief Ian Russell discusses the CCMRS announcement

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7-July-14 Bloomberg Bond Market Transparency in Canada

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28-June-14 Le Devoir Financement participatif – Séduire la foule

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26-June-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC announces 2014 Hall of Fame inductees

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26-June-14 Advisor.ca IIAC announces 2014 Hall of Fame inductees

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26-June-14 Finance et Investissement Nouveaux intronisés au Temple de la renommée de l’ACCVM

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25-June-14 BNN Ian Russell explains the obligations of the securities industry under FATCA legislation

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25-June-14 National Post Canadian industry claims win in long fight over U.S. crackdown on tax evasion

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25-June-14 Le Devoir Une limite trop basse nuirait à l’économie

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24-June-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC focused on limiting FATCA impact

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24-June-14 Advisor.ca IIAC aims to ease FATCA compliance burdens

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16-June-14 Canadian Press Investment group boss optimistic Alberta will join national securities regulator

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13-June-14 FORUM Magazine Then and Now – Leader Series: Ian Russell, IIAC president and CEO

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10-June-14 Bloomberg Ex-CIBC Treasurer Said Canada Bank Regulator Candidate

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6-June-14 wealthprofessional.ca Investment industry association welcomes new direction in Quebec

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5-June-14 finance-investissement.com Le budget bien accueilli par le secteur des valeurs mobilières, selon l’ACCVM

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5-June-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC pleased with Quebec’s deficit reduction plans

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3-June-14 finance-investissement.com Budget Québec : l’ACCVM interpelle Carlos Leitao

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2-June-14 Investmentexecutive.com Canada less vulnerable to unfair HFT practices: IIAC

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2-June-14 financialpost.com Upstart stock exchange Aequitas to seek new investors, restrict high-frequency traders

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2-June-14 Advisor.ca Are high-speed traders better regulated in Canada?

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1-June-14 Investment Executive CRM2 and you

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1-June-14 Investment Executive Pension reform: Help or hindrance?

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28-May-14 Saskatoon Star-Phoenix Sask. key to proposed national securities regulator

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28-May-14 Regina Leader Post Sask. key to proposed national securities regulator

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28-May-14 Conseiller.ca Cher Monsieur Leitao…

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23-May-14 globeandmail.com Canaccord’s Peter Brown retires

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23-May-14 investmentexecutive.com Peter Brown leaving Canaccord Genuity

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20-May-14 wealthprofessional.ca Cross-border Tax Information Bill a Good One According to Industry Leaders

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14-May-14 Financial Post Don’t delay law for sharing tax information with U.S., Canada’s investment industry urges

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14-May-14 investmentexecutive.com Delay in passing Bill C-31 will have ‘serious consequences’ for FATCA, IIAC warns

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14-May-14 Advisor.ca IIAC urges feds to pass law implementing FATCA

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14-May-14 Wealthprofessional.ca Approve bill to ward off FATCA delay: Industry leader

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12-May-14 LesAffaires.com S.O.S Bourse québécoise

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10-May-14 La Presse Anémie d’inscriptions québécoises en Bourse

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9-May-14 Halifax Chronicle Herald National securities system urged

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8-May-14 globeandmail.com Nova Scotia mulls joining national regulator

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8-May-14 The Globe and Mail Saskatchewan eyes national regulator pact

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8-May-14 Bloomberg Harper Re-Election Hinges on 73-Year-Old Rookie Oliver

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6-May-14 Investment Executive Investors have been fundamentally transformed by the financial crisis

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6-May-14 Advisor.ca Clients demand more frequent communication

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5-May-14 La Presse Une démocratie actionnariale à réformer

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1-May-14 Financial Post Co-operative securities regulator progress made ‘behind the scenes,’ Joe Oliver says

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28-Apr-14 Investment Executive The chore of implementing CRM 2

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28-Apr-14 Investment Executive Designations and seniors: Use caution

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24-Apr-14 finance-investissement.com Ministères économiques : accueil favorable de l’industrie

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22-Apr-14 BNN Ian Russell’s latest featured guest appearance on BNN

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21-Apr-14 Advisor.ca What to do for senior clients

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17-Apr-14 Wealth Professional Ian Russell makes WP’s 2014 Hot List

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11-Apr-14 CTV News Channel Ian Russell pays tribute to Jim Flaherty

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11-Apr-14 BNN Ian Russell discusses Jim Flaherty’s legacy

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10-Apr-14 Canadian Press Business leaders describe Flaherty’s economic leadership as global in scope

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10-Apr-14 Canadian Press Former finance minister Jim Flaherty has died

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10-Apr-14 nationalpost.com Jim Flaherty a finance minister always held in high regard by Bay Street

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10-Apr-14 Bloomberg.com Premiers, Ministers, Businesspeople on Jim Flaherty

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10-Apr-14 Toronto Star Canadian business leaders mourn Jim Flaherty’s passing

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10-Apr-14 Advisor.ca Former finance minister Flaherty dead

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9-Apr-14 Advisor.ca CRM2 will challenge you

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9-Apr-14 Conseiller.ca La mise en œuvre du MRCC 2 : un défi de taille

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8-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com CRM 2 reforms an opportunity for dealers: IIAC

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8-Apr-14 wealthprofessional.ca If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

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3-Apr-14 globeandmail.com Ottawa presses ahead despite Alberta’s new securities regulation plan

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3-Apr-14 The Globe and Mail IIROC head to depart after eight years

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2-Apr-14 Advisor.ca Finance bites back at FATCA criticism

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1-Apr-14 BNN Ian Russell featured guest appearance on BNN

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1-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com Firms under SROs still seeking reassurances on CRM 2 implementation

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1-Apr-14 investmentexecutive.com B.C. advises citizens to revise wills

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1-Apr-14 Financial Post Magazine Ian Russell feature article – Going global: One of Canada’s leading voices on capital markets reform takes his act to the world

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Ian Russell letter to the editor

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Stiff opposition to fiduciary duty

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1-Apr-14 Investment Executive Bay Street minister

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1-Apr-14 finance-investissement.com Allègement bienvenu

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31-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com Long road ahead in implementing CRM 2

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31-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC fears B.C. estates law will have unintended consequences

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21-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Oliver will push for national regulator: experts

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20-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Unlike Jim Flaherty, new Finance Minister Joe Oliver has already earned his Bay Street cred

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19-Mar-14 BNN IIAC president and CEO Ian Russell comments on Joe Oliver as Canada’s new Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 CTV News Channel IIAC president and CEO Ian Russell comments on Joe Oliver as Canada’s new Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 National Post Unlike Jim Flaherty, new Finance Minister Joe Oliver has already earned his Bay Street cred

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19-Mar-14 Canadian Press Joe Oliver an unlikely choice for finance minister, or the only one?

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19-Mar-14 Bloomberg.com Reactions to Flaherty’s Resignation as Canada Finance Minister

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19-Mar-14 Reuters.com NEWSMAKER-Canada’s Joe Oliver brings Bay Street know-how to finance minister’s job

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19-Mar-14 Finance et Investissement Servir la clientèle âgée dans son intérêt

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18-Mar-14 Bloomberg.com Flaherty’s Time as Finance Minister Expires Amid Clashes

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18-Mar-14 Wall Street Journal Flaherty Resigns: Some Reaction

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18-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com Flaherty’s departure raises questions about national regulator

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18-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Flaherty quits

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18-Mar-14 CBC.ca Jim Flaherty praised for prudent fiscal policy, steady hand in crisis

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18-Mar-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC guidance helps advisors work with seniors

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18-Mar-14 Advisor.ca How to protect senior clients

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11-Mar-14 The Globe and Mail Ready to file? Don’t jump the gun

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11-Mar-14 Advisor.ca IIAC backs South Korea free trade deal

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7-Mar-14 Starbusinessclub.ca Star Business Club – FRIDAY ROUNDUP

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6-Mar-14 imvestmentexecutive.com IIAC calls on feds to help small business

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6-Mar-14 Advisor.ca Small business key to recovery: IIAC

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6-Mar-14 Business in Vancouver The federal government needs to do more to help small businesses raise capital: IIAC

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Russell: ICSA’s new head

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Financial planning: Are new rules on the horizon?

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive The best regulatory approach?

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1-Mar-14 Investment Executive Rules consolidation problematic?

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27-Feb-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC calls for Hall of Fame nominations

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27-Feb-14 Advisor.ca IIAC seeks Hall of Fame nominees

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27-Feb-14 benefitscanada.com IIAC seeks Hall of Fame nominees

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27-Feb-14 canadianinvestor.com Investment industry plans awards show

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27-Feb-14 Advisor.ca BREAKING: T1135 gets another facelift

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24-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Firms need help handling CRM2 reforms, says IIAC

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24-Feb-14 Morningstar.ca The future of advice: Part 1

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24-Feb-14 Morningstar.ca L’avenir des conseils : Première partie

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20-Feb-14 finance-investissement.com Croesus aux portes du marché américain

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19-Feb-14 financialpost.com IIROC puts heat on dealers to protect clients who borrow to invest

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19-Feb-14 The Globe and Mail Ontario MPP seeks to regulate financial advisers

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18-Feb-14 financialpost.com Investment industry pushes back against regulation of ‘negligence’

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18-Feb-14 Stockwatch.com Globe says IIROC pans bill to regulate advisers

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18-Feb-14 finance-investissement.com Budget fédéral 2014 : l’ACCVM attend encore

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15-Feb-14 Investment Executive Taxes: Easing on FATCA

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14-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Last year’s tax traps

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6-Feb-14 Financial Post Investment advisors embrace reform efforts

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6-Feb-14 Financial Post Canada signs agreement to dull impact of U.S. crackdown on tax cheats

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5-Feb-14 Bloomberg.com Canada Signs U.S. Tax Information Pact to Comply With FATCA

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5-Feb-14 Advisor.ca Flaherty inks FATCA deal

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5-Feb-14 wealthprofessional.ca Breathe! FATCA’s off your back!

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5-Feb-14 Finance et Investissement Québec régirait la langue des prospectus

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4-Feb-14 BNN Ian Russell’s latest featured guest appearance on BNN

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4-Feb-14 Investment Executive Budget 2014: Help for small fry?

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4-Feb-14 financialpost.com Canada’s investment industry keeping an eye on China

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4-Feb-14 investmentexecutive.com China’s fortunes key to global economy: Russell; Asian giant’s growth outlook will impact commodities markets, resource companies’ earnings, and the prospects for rebounding growth in Canada

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4-Feb-14 Advisor.ca China to lose steam in 2014

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4-Feb-14 Shanghai Business Review Canada keeps eye on China’s growth

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4-Feb-14 CNTVNA.com Canadian investment industry eyeing China

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3-Feb-14 Ottawalife.com Hong Kong The Canadian Trade Relationship

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31-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com IIAC Top Under 40 Award call for nominations

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28-Jan-14 financialpost.com Ian Russell, head of Canada’s investment industry association, elected to top international post

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28-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com Ian Russell elected ICSA chairman

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28-Jan-14 Advisor.ca IIAC head elected incoming chair of ICSA

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28-Jan-14 Wealthprofessional.ca IIAC president to serve as ICSA chairman

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28-Jan-14 finance-investissement.com Le budget fédéral analysé dans un webinaire gratuit

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27-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com Edgecrest Capital Buys Stonecap Securities in Canada

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27-Jan-14 National Post Boutique investment dealers in Canada struggle to survive

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27-Jan-14 Wall Street Journal Canada’s Edgecrest Capital to Acquire Stonecap Securities

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24-Jan-14 wealthprofessional.ca EMDs, the next threat?

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24-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Globeandmail.com – The Week’s Highlights

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23-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Small Canadian investment dealers face ‘existential’ crisis

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23-Jan-14 Financial Post ‘Feast or famine’ for Canada’s investment firms: IIAC

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23-Jan-14 Investmentexecutive.com Boutique dealers still struggling: IIAC

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23-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Big firms shine as boutiques suffer: IIAC

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21-Jan-14 BNN Ian Russell’s featured guest appearance on BNN

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15-Jan-14 Investment Executive Global financial-reporting regime coming?

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15-Jan-14 Finance et Investissement Des demandes pour le budget fédéral

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14-Jan-14 finance.yahoo.com ITCI Invictus Technologies: Introducing the IIAC Technology Savings Program

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13-Jan-14 finance-investissement.com Une reprise des marchés « lente, mais solide » selon un sondage de l’ACCVM

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10-Jan-14 Financial Post Canadian investors expected to jump back into markets in 2014: IIAC survey

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10-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com KKR to Open Canadian Office to Expand Energy Business

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9-Jan-14 globeandmail.com Investment dealers confident of strong 2014

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9-Jan-14 investmentexecutive.com Markets are recovering, dealer CEOs say

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9-Jan-14 Bloomberg.com Optimism of Canadian Securities Firms’ CEOs Slips, Survey Finds

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9-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Tough year ahead for firms, says IIAC

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9-Jan-14 Advisor.ca Investment tips for the coming year

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9-Jan-14 Rogers Cable TV The Empire Club of Canada’s 2014 Outlook Luncheon

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9-Jan-14 Calgary Herald BMO Adds Energy Banking Team in London to Fill Strategic Gap

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7-Jan-14 Le Devoir Services bancaires et d’investissements – Les différends devront être réglés devant l’Ombudsman

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6-Jan-14 BNN Ian Russell’s featured guest appearance on BNN (part 1)

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6-Jan-14 BNN Ian Russell’s featured guest appearance on BNN (part 2)

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30-Dec-13 The Globe and Mail Regulator for mutual fund dealers tries to stay relevant

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24-Dec-13 Bloomberg.com Canada Repair Crews Restore Power With 400,000 Still Dark

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19-Dec-13 Institutional Investor Canadian National Securities Regulator: Two Steps Closer, Two Steps Back

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18-Dec-13 Reuters.com Canadian regulators put off fiduciary duty standard

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17-Dec-13 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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16-Dec-13 CIM Magazine 14 Big Stories in 2014; Securities regulators to be melded

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13-Dec-13 Investment Executive OBSI to place greater pressure on firms

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13-Dec-13 Conseiller.ca États-Unis : le secteur des valeurs mobilières face à six défis

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12-Dec-13 investmentexecutive.com Canada can learn from U.S. experience, says IIAC chief

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12-Dec-13 Advisor.ca U.S. securities industry faces 6 key challenges: IIAC

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12-Dec-13 finance-investissement.com Commission unique : le fédéral laisserait Québec gérer la langue des prospectus

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11-Dec-13 The Globe and Mail More than ever, investment clients get better service for a better price

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11-Dec-13 National Post What the Volcker Rule means for Canada’s biggest banks

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11-Dec-13 canadianbusiness.com The Volcker Rule revamp is a big win for Canada

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6-Dec-13 Advisor.ca IIAC calls new T1135 impossible

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3-Dec-13 Advisor’s Edge When do I have to worry about regulation?

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29-Nov-13 Investment Executive Regulation: IIROC still considering key changes; But the proposal to change enforcement rules has its critics

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29-Nov-13 Investment Executive Crowdfunding proposals spur debate

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26-Nov-13 financialpost.com Lettre d’Ian Russell – Regulations need cost/benefit analysis

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26-Nov-13 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN 1

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26-Nov-13 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN 2

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19-Nov-13 canadianinvestor.com Independent brokers squeezed

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18-Nov-13 canadianinvestor.com Overregulation crushing brokerages?

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18-Nov-13 insurance-journal.ca High frequency trading taking advantage of bona fide investors

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13-Nov-13 finance-investissement.com Réglementation : le Canada fait bonne figure

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12-Nov-13 National Post Stop the rule-making; Securities regulator should shift to assessing the behaviour of advisors and the overall culture in firms

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12-Nov-13 National Post Existing advisor client rules fine: report; ‘No gap’ to be filled, industry study says

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12-Nov-13 Conseiller.ca Valeurs mobilières : la réglementation canadienne est assez sévère

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11-Nov-13 investmentexecutive.com Canadian regulation of advisors exceeds global models: report

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11-Nov-13 Advisor.ca Canadian regs tough enough, says report

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11-Nov-13 Smallbizadvisor.ca Canadian regulation thorough, progressive; report

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11-Nov-13 wealthprofessional.ca Canadian advisor regulation on track globally: Report

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5-Nov-13 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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5-Nov-13 BNN L’entrevue données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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4-Nov-13 Financial Post Costly advice: Should all investors be treated as ‘completely vulnerable’?

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1-Nov-13 finance-investissement.com L’OCRCVM a plus de mordant

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31-Oct-13 investmentexecutive.com Show clients the value you create, says IIAC head

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31-Oct-13 Advisor.ca Tax-efficient advice critical: IIAC

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29-Oct-13 financialpost.com ‘Name and shame’ campaign doing little more than exposing OBSI’s own shortcomings, critics say

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28-Oct-13 Investment Executive Encouraging investor participation, un article de Ian Russell

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27-Oct-13 Vancouver Sun Opinion: Red tape bleeding life from B.C.’s resource opportunities

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17-Oct-13 Toronto Life The Oracle of Bay Street

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16-Oct-13 globeandmail.com I want to be an investment adviser. What will my salary be?

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16-Oct-13 Investment Executive Advocacy groups target retirement

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16-Oct-13 Investment Executive Your American clients and the IRS

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16-Oct-13 investmentexecutive.com Former NBF senior exec joins Raymond James

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16-Oct-13 Advisor.ca Raymond James adds new senior VP

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4-Oct-13 Globeandmail.com Bay St.’s hall of fame dinner brightens dull mood

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4-Oct-13 BNN Lawrence Bloomberg, IIAC Investment Industry Hall of Fame Inductee, appears on BNN to discuss his induction and other topics

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3-Oct-13 Investmentexecutive.com IIAC Conference: CEO announces launch of IIAC Hall of Fame

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3-Oct-13 Financial Post Former SEC commissioner says Canadian concerns over financial reforms are ‘legitimate’

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3-Oct-13 Bloomberg TMX Group CEO Kloet ’Looking at’ Crowdfunding Technology

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3-Oct-13 investmentexecutive.com IIAC Conference: TMX focused on international growth; Tom Kloet calls on industry to help make Canada a global player in capital markets

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3-Oct-13 investmentexecutive.com IIAC Conference: Building TMX Group into a global player

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3-Oct-13 investmentexecutive.com IIAC Conference: Is HFT the death knell for markets?

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2-Oct-13 BNN Dan Conaghan, Author, The Bank: Inside the Bank of England and guest speaker at the IIAC 2013 Annual Conference, appears on BNN’s Business Day

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30-Sept-13 BNN Ian Russell appears on BNN to discuss the looming U.S. government shutdown

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30-Sept-13 Globeandmail.com Steady losses eat away at small dealers’ capital

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24-Sept-13 CBC.ca BlackBerry bought jet months before layoff announcement

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24-Sept-13 CBC Radio L’entrevue téléphonique données pa Ian Russell à la CBC Radio

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20-Sept-13 The Globe and Mail Ottawa renews push for national securities regulator

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20-Sept-13 National Post B.C., Ontario join with Ottawa; Common Cause

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20-Sept-13 Bloomberg Canada’s Flaherty Announces Capital Markets Watchdog Plan

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20-Sept-13 Toronto Star Feds, Ontario and B.C. agree on co-operative securities regulator; first step to national body

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20-Sept-13 investmentexecutive.com Quebec opposed to co-op regulator, industry pleased

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20-Sept-13 Advisor.ca IIAC supports B.C.-Ontario cooperative regulatory system

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20-Sept-13 Wall Street Journal Planned Market Regulator Earns Applause on Street, Skepticism in Provincial Capitals

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20-Sept-13 Wealth Professional Flaherty scores win in battle to form national sec regulator

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20-Sept-13 Benefits Canada Teachers’, IIAC supports co-operative securities regulator

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20-Sept-13 Investment Executive Consolidation: Is the sun setting on the indies?

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20-Sept-13 Investment Executive Regulation: Dealers’ deadlines

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20-Sept-13 Investment Executive Firms set to comply with dreaded FTT

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20-Sept-13 Wealth Professional UBS sought buyers for Canada wealth management unit

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19-Sept-13 BNN L’entrevue téléphonique données pa Ian Russell à la chaîne BNN

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19-Sept-13 Wealth Professional Flaherty unites industry and investor advocates?

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16-Sept-13 finance-investissement.com Cinq règles pour aider les petits courtiers

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10-Sept-13 Wealth Professional Consolidation continues as Richardson GMP buys Macquarie Canada

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10-Sept-13 Advisor.ca Richardson GMP buys Macquarie Private Wealth

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9-Sept-13 theglobeandmail.com Richardson GMP buys Macquarie’s Canadian wealth management unit

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9-Sept-13 Wealth Professional Big Six Banks taking increasingly large slices of AUM pie

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5-Sept-13 Cantechletter.com Stifel Nicolaus gave up on Canada too soon

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4-Sept-13 Advisor.ca What’s up in the boutique sector?

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4-Sept-13 Wealth Professional Another threat for mutual fund ‘guys’?

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3-Sept-13 Wealth Professional Big Six growth in wealth management points to more consolidation

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29-Aug-13 BNN Ian Russell à l’émission Business Day

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26-Aug-13 Advisor.ca 6 ways regulators can boost the financial industry: IIAC

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23-Aug-13 Investment Executive ACCVM lettre d’opinion

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23-Aug-13 The Globe and Mail Mining slowdown begins to hurt as Bay Street sheds jobs, firms

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22-Aug-13 Globeandmail.com Letter from the IIAC: Why it matters when small brokers fold

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22-Aug-13 Bloomberg.com Stifel Said to Plan Closing Canada Offices With About 70 Workers

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22-Aug-13 Calgary Herald Pipeline delays costing investment banking jobs

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22-Aug-13 St. Louis Business Journal Stifel closing Canadian operations

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14-Aug-13 BNN Ian Russell, IIAC President and CEO, appears on BNN’s Business Day

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9-Aug-13 La Presse Investir en français, yes sir! Cliquez ici
7-Aug-13 investmentexecutive.com Add estate planning to your business Cliquez ici
6-Aug-13 investmentexecutive.com Add LTC to grow your business Cliquez ici
6-Aug-13 finance-investissement.com REER collectif: l’ACCVM veut éliminer les retenues à la source Cliquez ici
6-Aug-13 investmentexecutive.com IIAC calls on Ottawa to boost small business investment, assist small dealers Cliquez ici
5-Aug-13 Le Devoir Vos finances – Investir en français, ou à l’européenne Cliquez ici
1-Aug-13 Les Affaires Marceau maintient la traduction intégrale des prospectus en français

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1-Aug-13 investmentexecutive.com Build your business with living benefits Cliquez ici
27-Jul-13 The Globe and Mail How the Big Six banks won the battle for Canadians’ wealth Cliquez ici
25-Jul-13 Bloomberg.com Toronto Bankers Feel Pain from Mining Slowdown: Corporate Canada Cliquez ici
15-Jul-13 Advisor.ca 4 upcoming regulatory proposals Cliquez ici
11-Jul-13 Winnipeg Free Press Manitoban one of eight inductees in Investment Industry Hall of Fame Cliquez ici
11-Jul-13 LesAffaires.com « Les plus grandes réussites passent par les autres », dit L. Jacques Ménard de BMO Cliquez ici
10-Jul-13 theglobeandmail.com First group of investment hall of fame inductees includes Bloomberg, Fell and Ménard Cliquez ici
10-Jul-13 LeDevoir.com Le nouveau Temple de la renommée des financiers intronise trois Québécois Cliquez ici
10-Jul-13 financialpost.com Eight named to inaugural investment industry Hall of Fame Cliquez ici
10-Jul-13 Advisor.ca IIAC creates Hall of Fame Cliquez ici
10-Jul-13 finance-investissement.com Trois Québécois intronisés au Temple de la renommée de l’ACCVM Cliquez ici
09-Jul-13 theglobeandmail.com Five reasons for optimism in the investment industry Cliquez ici
08-Jul-13 theglobeandmail.com On Bay Street, fewer workers but more productivity Cliquez ici
08-Jul-13 Advisor.ca 5 more regulatory proposals to follow Cliquez ici
05-Jul-13 The Globe and Mail Fewer deals, fewer deal makers: Brokerages face hard truths Cliquez ici
05-Jul-13 Financial Post IIAC: Tough first quarter for Canada’s investment dealers Cliquez ici
05-Jul-13 Investmentexecutive.com Retail firms see some improvement in Q1: IIAC Cliquez ici
05-Jul-13 Conseiller.ca Recul des profits pour les valeurs mobilières au pays Cliquez ici
04-Jul-13 Bloomberg.com Number of Canadian Securities Firms Lowest in 7 Years Cliquez ici
02-Jul-13 Advisor.ca 5 regulatory changes you need to know Cliquez ici
27-Jun-13 Investmentexecutive.com Inter-generational wealth transfers: Retaining spouses and children Cliquez ici
26-Jun-13 Investmentexecutive.com Diving deep to understand client base Cliquez ici
25-Jun-13 Investmentexecutive.com Increased regulation having a severe impact on small dealers Cliquez ici
25-Jun-13 Investmentexecutive.com ‘Best interest’ costs spark industry debate Cliquez ici
25-Jun-13 Financial Post Streamlining securities regulation no easy feat for Canada’s fractious provinces Cliquez ici
21-Jun-13 financialpost.com IIAC names new chair, shakes up board Cliquez ici
21-Jun-13 Winnipeg Free Press Spiring named chairman Cliquez ici
21-Jun-13 The Globe and Mail Wellington West Holdings founder named IIAC chair Cliquez ici
20-Jun-13 Benefitscanada.com IIAC elects new board chair Cliquez ici
20-Jun-13 Advisor.ca IIAC elects board chair Cliquez ici
20-Jun-13 theglobeandmail.com IIAC elects new board chairman; Four new board members also announced Cliquez ici
6-Jun-13 Investmentexecutive.com Regulators must adopt a more holistic approach to compliance, says IIAC head Cliquez ici
28-May-13 Reuters.com Analysis: Canada may settle for markets watchdog with less bite Cliquez ici
28-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Understanding defections Cliquez ici
27-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Four reasons why clients leave Cliquez ici
27-May-13 thechronicleherald.ca Jitters common in investment community Cliquez ici
24-May-13 Investment Executive Client engagement Cliquez ici
24-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com The ripple effect of IIROC’s data loss Cliquez ici
24-May-13 Investment Executive Common regulator is workable; Ian Russell letter to the editor Cliquez ici
24-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Common regulator is workable; Ian Russell letter to the editor Cliquez ici
23-May-13 digitaljournal.com Toronto Financial Services Alliance Welcomes Results of Ontario’s “Open for Business” Initiative, Ian Russell quoted Cliquez ici
23-May-13 online.wsj.com Toronto Financial Services Alliance Welcomes Results of Ontario’s “Open for Business” Initiative, Ian Russell quoted Cliquez ici
20-May-13 Times Colonist Bank executive appointed to Pacific District Council Cliquez ici
17-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Consider risks when posting third-party content Cliquez ici
17-May-13 Advisor.ca Letter from the President Volume 61 reprint Cliquez ici
17-May-13 Advisor.ca Broader skill set key to advisor success: IIAC Cliquez ici
17-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Social media: Building equity in the ‘influence economy’ Cliquez ici
16-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Social media: Building equity in the ‘influence economy’ Cliquez ici
16-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Advisors cautioned on using personal social media pages Cliquez ici
16-May-13 publicintegrity.org Canada buoyed by former U.S. ambassador Cliquez ici
8-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Financial planning means client engagement; IIAC/EOL survey mention Cliquez ici
2-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Stephen Poloz named next Bank of Canada governor Cliquez ici
1-May-13 finance-investissement.com 126 millions de déclarations inutiles ? (80 outstanding reg proposals) Cliquez ici
1-May-13 finance-investissement.com S. O. S., petits courtiers indépendants Cliquez ici
1-May-13 Investmentexecutive.com Fraser Mackenzie closes down Cliquez ici
1-May-13 Investment Executive IIROC data loss: From bad to worse? Cliquez ici
30-Apr-13 blogs.wsj.com Mining Down Draft Claims Another Victim: Toronto’s Fraser Mackenzie Cliquez ici
30-Apr-13 blogs.wsj.com Mining Down Draft Claims Another Victim: Toronto’s Fraser Mackenzie Cliquez ici
30-Apr-13 financialpost.com Fraser Mackenzie shuts doors as tough times set in for boutique investment Cliquez ici
30-Apr-13 National Post Fraser Mackenzie shuts doors as tough times set in for boutique investment Cliquez ici
30-Apr-13 theglobeandmail.com Struggling boutique dealers cry uncle Cliquez ici
30-Apr-13 The Globe and Mail Struggling boutique dealers cry uncle Cliquez ici
29-Apr-13 Investmentexecutive.com Morin becomes IIAC director Cliquez ici
29-Apr-13 financialpost.com IIROC broke own rules by losing private data — can we believe its explanation? Cliquez ici
26-Apr-13 finance-investissement.com Richard Morin devient directeur à l’ACCVM Cliquez ici
25-Apr-13 Itworldcanada.com Lost client data not encrypted: IIROC Cliquez ici
23-Apr-13 CBC Radio 1 Ian Russell interview on CBC Radio re: Hall of Fame creation  
23-Apr-13 theglobeandmail.com Canada’s brokerage industry to get hall of fame Cliquez ici
23-Apr-13 Investmentexecutive.com IIAC establishes Hall of Fame Cliquez ici
22-Apr-13 lesaffaires.com OCRCVM : les données perdues n’étaient pas cryptées Cliquez ici
20-Apr-13 National Post Lost IIROC device was not encrypted Cliquez ici
20-Apr-13 Investmentexecutive.com Client data on lost device not encrypted, IIROC confirms Cliquez ici
19-Apr-13 Stockwatch.com Globe says IIAC demands explanation of IIROC’s delay Cliquez ici
19-Apr-13 bnn.ca Canada’s brokers demand answers on missing financial data Cliquez ici
19-Apr-13 The Globe and Mail Canada’s brokers demand answers on missing financial data Cliquez ici
18-Apr-13 telegraph.co.uk FTT contravenes G20 agreements, warn global markets bodies Cliquez ici
18-Apr-13 tax-news.com EU FTT Under Fire From International Trade Associations Cliquez ici
12-Apr-13 theglobeandmail.com IIAC Letter from the President Vol. 60 published on globeandmail.com Cliquez ici
12-Apr-13 theglobeandmail.com Why U.S. brokers have it better: Read IIAC’s newest report Cliquez ici
11-Apr-13 Advisor.ca IIAC Letter from the President Vol. 60 published on Advisor.ca Cliquez ici
11-Apr-13 Advisor.ca U.S. and Canadian financial industries aren’t correlated Cliquez ici
11-Apr-13 Investmentexecutive.com IIAC examines securities industry profits Cliquez ici
8-Apr-13 Investmentexecutive.com Canadian industry worried about impact of European bank tax Cliquez ici
8-Apr-13 financialpost.com Canada’s Small Brokerages Risk Closures Amid Slump, Russell Says Cliquez ici
8-Apr-13 sfgate.com Canada’s Small Brokerages Risk Closures Amid Slump, Russell Says Cliquez ici
8-Apr-13 bloomberg.com Ian Russell’s interview on Bloomberg.com Cliquez ici
8-Apr-13 bloomberg.com Canada’s Small Brokerages Risk Closures Amid Slump, Russell Says Cliquez ici
5-Apr-13 Bloomberg Radio Ian Russell Bloomberg Radio interview on “The Hays Advantage” Cliquez ici
4-Apr-13 financialpost.com Fee review, fiduciary duty on table as OSC pledges transparency, accountability Cliquez ici
3-Apr-13 Advisor.ca Break Home Bias Cliquez ici
1-Apr-13 Investment Executive Boutique dealers facing big challenges Cliquez ici
1-Apr-13 Investment Executive Ian Russell guest column: Time is right for a common regulator Cliquez ici
26-Mar-13 theglobeandmail.com BoC seeks pension fund participation in repo clearinghouse Cliquez ici
25-Mar-13 blogs.wsj.com Venture Capital Funding Shortage Seen as a Problem Cliquez ici
25-Mar-13 The Hill Times Top lobbyists, stakeholders in budget lockup too Cliquez ici
22-Mar-13 finance-investissement.com L’ACCVM applaudit le budget Flaherty Cliquez ici
22-Mar-13 financialpost.com Flaherty’s budget statement shows frustration over lack of common securities regulator: IIAC chief Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 macleans.ca Investors create a budget wishlist Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 BenefitsCanada.com Little for seniors in 2013 budget Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 Advisor.ca Little for seniors in 2013 budget Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 Advisor.ca Budget accepted, but concerns linger Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 Advisor.ca 2013 Budget looks a lot like 2012 Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 Investmentexecutive.com IIAC applauds budget for improving competitiveness Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 theglobeandmail.com Ottawa plans national securities regulator Cliquez ici
21-Mar-13 bnn.ca Ian Russell interview on Parliament Hill re: 2013 Federal Budget Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 automatedtrader.net Industry leaders ask IOSCO to take lead on cross-border debate Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 Financial Times Reprint of IOSCO letter re: mutual recognition Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 financial times Derivatives sector urges wider IOSCO role Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 Advisor.ca Small firms fight for survival: IIAC Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 Investmentexecutive.com Boutique firms suffering from regulatory burden: IIAC Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 wsj.com Broker Revenue Down in 2012, as Small Players Languish Cliquez ici
19-Mar-13 theglobeandmail.com Small dealers struggle to reach pre-crisis peaks Cliquez ici
18-Mar-13 finance-investissement.com Budget fédéral: l’industrie fait ses demandes Cliquez ici
11-Mar-13 National Post E.F. Hutton emerges as rare new player in Canadian securities Cliquez ici
7-Mar-13 Investmentexecutive.com Turning engaged clients into referrals Cliquez ici
7-Mar-13 Winnipeg Free Press Manitoba needs a national securities regulator Cliquez ici
5-Mar-13 Hilltimes.com Investor confidence in advisers can translate into improved financings and growth, says IIAC Cliquez ici
5-Mar-13 Investmentexecutive.com How to lead your clients Cliquez ici
1-Mar-13 Finance et Investissement Moins de sociétés dans le secteur des valeurs mobilières Cliquez ici
1-Mar-13 Finance et Investissement Satisfaction des clients : les conseillers ont toujours la cote Cliquez ici
1-Mar-13 Investment Executive IIAC suggests changes to IIP Cliquez ici
1-Mar-13 Investment Executive Budget 2013: Balance the books Cliquez ici
1-Mar-13 Investment Executive CSA, dealers at odds over data fees Cliquez ici
28-Feb-13 Investmentexecutive.com How to “engage” your clients Cliquez ici
26-Feb-13 finance-investissement.com OSBI : l’ACCVM appuie, mais pose ses conditions Cliquez ici
26-Feb-13 thebottomlinenews.ca Tougher advisors’ standards up for debate Cliquez ici
20-Feb-13 Hirmagazine.com VCAP Doesn’t Address The Problem: IIAC’s Russell Cliquez ici
20-Feb-13 Advisor.ca Canada’s new venture capital plan problematic: IIAC Cliquez ici
20-Feb-13 Investmentexecutive.com More action needed to support vencap industry, IIAC says Cliquez ici
20-Feb-13 theglobeandmail.com Brokerage startups will need healthy dose of optimism Cliquez ici
20-Feb-13 Investmentexecutive.com Advisors step up their efforts Cliquez ici
8-Feb-13 finance-investissement.com Moins de sociétés dans le secteur des valeurs mobilières Cliquez ici
8-Feb-13 Advisor.ca China will lead Asian expansion: IIAC Cliquez ici
8-Feb-13 Investmentexecutive.com China to defy forecasts, says IIAC head Cliquez ici
8-Feb-13 theglobeandmail.com 4 reasons why Chinese growth may be stronger than many think Cliquez ici
8-Feb-13 theglobeandmail.com Investors trust advisers. The financial system? Not so much Cliquez ici
5-Feb-13 Advisor.ca Securities industry healthy in Q3 2012 Cliquez ici
1-Feb-13 Advisor.ca Survey shows Canadians confident in advisors Cliquez ici
1-Feb-13 Advisor.ca IIAC to regulators: clients trust advisors Cliquez ici
1-Feb-13 Investmentexecutive.com Canadians trust their advisors Cliquez ici
31-Jan-13 Rogers Cable TV (Rogers) Ian Russell’s Empire Club of Canada speech re: The Economics of Loyalty Survey results Cliquez ici
30-Jan-13 Hilltimes.com Cabinet Ministers’ Meetings with Lobbyists, 2012 Cliquez ici
26-Jan-13 National Post Confusion runs deep about Cdor amid suspicions lynchpin rate is broken Cliquez ici
21-Jan-13 Investment Executive No word yet on LinkedIn feature Cliquez ici
21-Jan-13 Investment Executive Derivatives Committee Cliquez ici
21-Jan-13 Advisor.ca Advisory industry lacks competition: IIAC Cliquez ici
21-Jan-13 Investmentexecutive.com Smaller dealers need help, says IIAC chief Cliquez ici
11-Jan-13 Advisor.ca The road to global reform: IIAC Cliquez ici
11-Jan-13 Investmentexecutive.com IOSCO ready to take on bigger role Cliquez ici
3-Jan-13 Rogers Cable TV (Rogers) Empire Club of Canada 2013 Investment Outlook luncheon video Cliquez ici